Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fingers Annual Group Show 2013

October 20th - November 11th  2013

Measurements, Pendant, 2013 

Neck-Row 1, Neck-piece, 2013 

For, Pendant, 2013 


MON - FRI 10AM - 5.30PM
SAT & SUN 11AM - 4.30PM

PH/FAX 64 9 3733974

Friday, October 18, 2013

Occupation: Artist

Mon 21Oct - 27Oct 2013

16-16 Willis St
Level 1
Grand Arcade
Lower Willis St


If your in Wellington this week coming check out my work that is being presented thanks to the Occupation: Artist Studio that is in conjunction with Letting Space's, Urban Dream Brokerage. 
Prolong II (Presscraft/Orange), Detail, Button-hole Brooch, 2012
Photo: s walker-holt and Left-field
Model: Caroline Griffin


Thursday, October 3, 2013


Mangere Arts Centre - Ngā Tohu o Uenuku

Exhibition: 5 October -  1 December
Opening:Friday 4 Oct, 6.30pm

Judges ‘in conversation’: Saturday 5 October, 2pm

GUEST JUDGE: Octavia Cook
2013 JUDGES: Matt Blomeley,
Octavia Cook and Hanna Scott.

Each year, Objective takes on a whakatauki/proverb to guide artists. For 2013 it is;

Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua
People come and go, the land remains

Time Parallel, Neckware, 2013, domestic implements, silver, linen, electrical cord, paint, print

The ground from which my work grows is one that was nurtured by my forebearers, but how much of their knowledge has been tacitly passed on and how much is innate; something I know without being taught? Their memories become my own and their objects my earth. S Walker-Holt 2013 

Mangere Arts centre
Corner Orly Ave and Bader Drive, Mangere Town Centre
Phone: (09) 262 5789
Fax: (09) 275 5919

Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Weekends, 10am - 4pm
Public holidays, closed

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Neckware 10

6 - 29 JUNE 2013
OPENING 5.30 WED 5 JUNE 2013

77 Ponsonby Rd 
+64 9 378 1256 

Another exciting Neckware show this year with selector Warwick FreemanIt has two other solo shows along side it;
Fran Allison My Place and Amelia Pascoe A Journey in D.

If you can't get the Masterworks website, because they are currently having some technical issues, check them out on Facebook;

Wood Linen Brass

Wood Linen Brass, Neck-piece, 2013 (Detail)
T-tree, vintage linen, domestic implements, brass, tissue paper, acrylic

'Objects are created with a function in mind, but is this their sole reason for existing? If it does something, other than what is intended, what is it? Is this ambiguity its resonating strength? Does it impair the original purpose or enhance it? Does it shift how we engage with it?

Evoke.' Sarah Walker-Holt 2013

Fran Allison and Amelia Pascoe
I'm really looking forward to all of these shows and in particular Fran Allison's, who taught me at MSVA and has been an extremely supportive mentor. Her work often has an underlying domestic or craft reference through either the materials or techniques that she utilizes. In hindsight, I can now see more clearly what a great inspiration her workings have been to my own. Below is Kevin Murray's 2010 overview of Allison's -the lei of another land

Amelia Pascoe is a jeweler I am in awe of. A recent graduate of Whitireia with her A LURE OF THE ELUSIVE(2012), an extremely well executed body of work based on trapsThe very tactile, mechanistic qualities, that I feel allude to something quite fetishistic, definitely allure me. Having met Pascoe at Jemposium in 2012 and what she was working on at he time, makes me look forward to seeing her new body of work in the flesh.

Be sure to also check out Whitireia's Jewellery Catalogues especially 'Speak' that features Pascoe.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Suter Gallery Nelson

Autumn Exhibition
Thu 28 Mar 2013 - Sun 14 Apr 2013

Opening Wed 27th March 5.30pm

The Nelson Suter Art Society(NSAS)have invited me along with artist Sue Lund from Wellington to exhibit as guest artists in there Autumn Exhibition.

You can find our artist statements in their latest February Newsletter 

I look forward to being at the opening, introducing my work to the Tasman region and meeting the artists of the Nelson region.

Red Skyline, Brooch, 2011
Image: S Walker-Holt

The Suter Art Gallery
Open every day
10.30am – 4.30pm 
208 Bridge Street, Nelson
03 548 4699

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Object for Which Something Exists

Masterworks Gallery 
Wed, 13 Feb 13 - Sat, 16 Mar 13

Opening Wed 13 Feb 5.30pm

Red(Presscraft), Neck-piece, 2013
Presscraft tray, Brass, Electrical wire, Cotton, Acrylic, Paper

The Object for Which Something Exists breaks down the single neck-piece, Red (Presscraft), into its original materials and subsequent parts and juxtapositions them with its finished form, allowing the viewer an insight into its development. 

Red(Presscraft) is a piece from a series of work that I have been currently working on called Prolong. Other pieces from Prolong can be seen at Fingers, Auckland and The National Gallery, Christchurch. 

Masterworks Gallery 
77 Ponsonby Road

Ph +64 9 378 1256

Gallery Hours
Mon - Fri 10am - 5.30pm
Sat 10am - 4pm

Also opening are John Parker, Positive negitaves and in the Jewellery Box Eileen Leahy