Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Handshake2: Toi Poneke

Kitset, Mixed media, 2014

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fingers Annual Group Show 2014

November 9th – 30th

Timing, Brooch, 2014


MON - FRI 10AM - 5.30PM
SAT & SUN 11AM - 4.30PM

PH/FAX 64 9 3733974

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Overview interview

Recently Sarah was visited by The jewellers Guild of Greater Sandringham's
Sharon Fitness and Raewyn Walsh for their online, contemporary jewellery, magazine 'Overview'.

To read the interview and more interesting articles check The Jewellers Guild of Greater Sandringham's website: 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

'Out of the Shed'

Friday 5 September - 14 October 2014
Opening: Thursday 4 September 6:30pm
Uxbridge, Howick's Creative Centre
35 Uxbridge Road
Uxbridge Creative Centre

s walker-holt, Hierarchy, Necklace, 2014

s walker-holt, Divide, Pendant, 2014

Featuring Artworks by: Mia Hamilton, Kim Logue, Alexander Bartleet, Nicola Wright, Andi Regan, Margaret Johnson, Sarah Walker-Holt, Jeff Thomson, Bev Goodwin, Susan Wells, Mary Paton, Bruce McLachlan, Lucy Pierpoint, Marion Rose, Nic Clegg, Tara Murphy and Glen Hutchinson.

Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm
Saturday: 9.30am - 2pm

Closed Sundays and Public Holidays

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Salon Rouge: Vivien Atkinson, a mobile gallery in a coat.

Handshake 2 was proud to be represented by Vivien Atkinson's Salon Rouge at the opening of Wunderruma at the Dowse Art Museum in June and then installed in the side window-gallery at AVID until July 9th. During this it made short tours into the Wellington community.
Salon Rouge: Image courtesy of
All pieces are donated by the makers as fundraising efforts towards Handshake 2 and are available to buy


Jewellery mentoring & exhibition project

‘Handshake is a mentoring project involving contemporary jewellers from New Zealand matched with their chosen idols/mentors from across the globe, developing work for a series of national and international exhibitions.’

Handshake 2 involves two years of contact with our mentors and is documented for those keen to follow on the Handshake 2 blog which is now well under way with some interesting insights.
As a mentee of Handshake 2, I am privileged to be paired with Helen Britton. Sarah Walker-Holt and Helen Britton

My fantastic fellow mentee’s and their mentors are;
Vanessa Arthur and David Neale
Amelia Pascoe and Ruudt Peters
Suni Hermon and Sally Marsland
Karren Dale and Gemma Draper
Julia Middleton and Terhi Tolvanen
Kelly McDonald and Kirsten Haydon
Lisa Higgins and Cal Lane
Moniek Schrijer and Philip Sajet
Raewyn Walsh and Henriette Schuster
Renee Bevan and Harrell Fletcher
Soo Jeong Lee and Natalia Milosz-Piekarska
Tineke Jansen and Ela Bauer

Monday, July 14, 2014

Wunderrūma: New Zealand Jewellery

The Dowse Art Museum
21 Jun – 28 Sep 2014
45 Laings Road 
Lower Hutt

Monday, March 31, 2014

Brace Yourself: Masterworks

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Galerie Handwerk 
"WUNDERRUMA - Schmuck aus Neuseeland", 
Max-Joseph-Straße 4,
80333 München, 
Vernissage 6.3., 18.30 Uhr, 
7.3.-19.4., Di, Mi, Fr 10-18, Do 10-20,
Sa 10-13 Uhr, 
14.3., 11 Uhr WUNDERRUMA Katalogpräsentation 
von Karl Fritsch und Warwick Freeman, 
Sonderöffnung 16.3., 10-14 Uhr,,
Tel. +49 89 5119296 Handwerk